I often get asked what is it I actually do? So here is a brief overview on how the Energy Psychology Strategies work by Pamela Harland
Open Your Mind to new Possibilities
It seems to me that as humanity reaches higher vibrational frequencies, a raised consciousness, individually and collectively, the body mind starts to purge our unnecessary lower frequency emotional states and outmoded beliefs. I have found this to be true for myself. Some of my beliefs and perspectives have been challenged and trying to fight against the new wave does not work anymore, being stuck feels very uncomfortable. Instead, let’s open our minds to new possibilities. This is the essence of cognitive dissonance. The higher our consciousness, the more we get triggered into old stuff that we thought had long gone. We know we have some clearing out to do when anxiety persists, we can’t seem to shift a low mood and we become reactive to situations, sort of out of character. So how do we easily clear this old dross and free ourselves up energetically?
Standard talking therapies are becoming obsolete, in my view, energy psychology strategies is the new wave. Instead of over-talking, over thinking – re-feeling and opening old wounds , let’s move through energetically with ease & grace and minimal suffering. There are new strategies for holistic change, maintaining our emotional, mentally and spiritual balance.
Energy Psychology Strategies – the next waveStage One: Creative Emotional IntelligenceIdentify the triggers, observe the emotional patterns, outmoded relationships, negative beliefs, find links into the physical body/energy centres, bring light into blockages with colour healing based visualisations. Start to balance the energy field and set up a sacred healing space. Learn how to focus more on the higher frequency emotions – contentment, hope and optimism. Stage Two: Matrix Reimprinting with EFT tappingThis is a new therapy modality which releases emotional memories and traumatic feelings . As yourself now, fully awake & aware, entering relaxed trance-like state, your awareness travels the timelines to find the originating memory (known as an echo), we resource the younger you, using EFT tapping to sooth and reduce the level of emotion. The emotional experience stuck back in time evaporates, new beliefs are formed and a new picture emerges and becomes part of your heart & consciousness – your memory is reprocessed, re-wiring the neuropathways in the mind Stage Three : Process and Integration with Soul-based therapyThroughout the whole process we capture the essence of your Higher-Self, your Soul-centre and find personal revelations and wisdoms that support your vibrational frequencies – for example |
Higher Dimension Counselling – what’s involved?Your investment is for three one hour sessions preferably weekly. Plus a willingness to try something new by identifying what you want to let go of, change and replace with healthier positive feelings & beliefs, to release up more creative energy and for greater grounded spiritual connection. contact Pamela to book now or email: pamela@spiritofwellbeing.com sessions online or in person in Warkworth